Posts Tagged ‘AppleTV’

Who Dunnit? Who Didn’t?
I’m obsessed with BAD SISTERS. OBSESSED! Created by Sharon Horgan, Brett Baer and Dave Finkel, it’s the freshest series I’ve seen in a while. On Twitter Co-Star Horgan admits to being a “bit of a weird voyeur.” All I can say is “weird voyeurism makes for great TV” — especially if you’re a weird observer of easy-to-hate villains, complicated family dynamics and reluctant flirtations.
I couldn’t stop watching this twisty black-comedy thriller for Apple TV+ but secretly hoped it would never end. It shocks with “I can’t believe they just did that” scenes while taking us on turns we don’t see coming.
The family that murders together (Well, maybe…)
This 10 episode series follows the Garvey sisters: Eva/Horgan, Ursula/Eva Birthistle, Bibi/Sarah Green, Becka/Eve Hewson and Grace/Anne-Marie Duff, the long-suffering wife of John Paul/Claus Bang. Bound together by the death of their parents and a promise to always protect each other, they take their bond to a whole new level.
Wittily written, awesomely acted with surprising setbacks and hilarious advances — the worst thing possible is constantly happening thanks to villain John Paul. Grace’s horrendous husband is the guy we all want to do in.
Sometimes it’s good to be BAD…
Think BIG LITTLE LIES set in Ireland as the sisters stand up for one another and contemplate new methods of murder. The romantic in me loves the forbidden affair between Becka (the role I’d love to play) and Matt (Daryl McCormack) the brother of Insurance Guy, Tom/Brian Gleeson who’s determined to prove JP’s death is not accidental. There’s nothing accidental about this series… it’s brilliantly cast, written and acted… and executed with great care.
As the series rolled out and I was forced to wait for each new episode, I watched CATASTROPHE to feed my addiction to Horgan’s humor. It helped.
But now that I’ve seen the Season Finale (which was soooooooo satisfying btw) I really miss all of the characters…