Talk the Talk
If you’re like me, working for auditions + the rare bonus of getting the job, then you know this; but if you’re sane, here’s what I’m talking about:
CD = casting director—
usually a woman, your best friend or your worst nightmare
AC = acting coach—
choose wisely, this is a key relationship for your career
Sides = lines for audition—
just 2 – 3 pages you must turn into a killer performance
AD = assistant director—
has huge power over your call time, be cool and respect the position
DP = director of photography—
your BFF under hot lamps, pray he hates HD as much as you do
I can’t believe I even have to know this, but for an ER volunteer, there’s a chart for everything and a million ways to mess it all up:
GLAM = Greater Los Angeles Memorial Hospital
(or “hell”, depending on my mood)
Triage = first stop in ER for any patient
(last place I wanna be)
Fast Track = a big room off the waiting area for quickies
(not the fun kind!)
PC = patient confidentiality
(they’re big on this stuff)
John/Jane Doe – can’t be ID’d
(me, if my career dies here!)
CP = chest pains
SOB = (not what you think) short of breath
GSW = gun shot wound
KW = knife wound
Psych P – psych patient, often suicidal
VIP = (duh!) celeb or benefactor
(yep, they get the best tables here, too)
Frequent Flyer = drug addict just faking sick
Code Brown = yep, just like it sounds and smells
EVS = Environmental Services – the unlucky people who get called to clean up (the worst job in the ER)
How sick is it that I’ve got to know this stuff?
What do they call stuff at your ER?