Archive for the ‘Whaaaaa?’ Category
And Justice For All: Good News

growing stronger!
Phew! There actually are checks-and-balances protecting U.S. citizens (and Actors!) I’m heartened by a few examples this week.
A glimmer of light, at least for now —
First and most famous is the public way our “No Rules” President learned that uhmmm… there actually are rules… And that it might be wise to stop insulting judges like the courageous Judge Robart and start respecting the separation of powers because in some cases other powers like the 9th Circuit Appeals Court are getting the last word. At least for now. Now until Trump drafts a new ban to announce next week, and we all get back on the roller coaster.
What I’m most pleased about this week is that true Americans on both sides of the aisle continue to investigate charges of collusion between Team Trump and Russia… during the election and after the election. It’s looking more and more like this was a carefully choreographed plan to elect Trump, partner with Russia and implement whatever the hell Putin and Trump want.
This week Trump’s beyond-controversial Security Advisor Michael Flynn changed his story about discussing sanctions with the Russian Ambassador… coincidentally on the same day President Obama announced them, followed by Russia changing its response to Obama’s sanctions from “We will reciprocate.” to “Uh, maybe not at this time.” Now all of the “fake news” organizations are reporting this: CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post. It’s been an eventful week. Oh yes, Mr. President. Read the rest of this entry »
Proud of my Hospital / Embarrassed by my Country
It’s Amateur Hour in the White House as our new President blusters through his first week, one-impulse-at-a-time. The news causes so much stress and embarrassment, I find myself spending more time at the hospital volunteering in the ER to try to make up for the arrogant behavior coming from our highest office. When I can’t listen to the news a moment longer, I go to the the one place where I can treat people from all over the world fairly and kindly and at the very least show that we’re not all like Donald Trump. Read the rest of this entry »
Team TRUMP — NOT Funny

“DEM-A-GOGUE — political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.”
Usually I don’t post about politics, but we’re headed for a DYSTOPIAN DISASTER now that Donald Trump’s showing up worldwide as a face of our nation. What the f@#k are Republicans thinking when they cheer for this clown who has no filters? As Mr. Obnoxious blabs loudly on screens everywhere, we should all feel EMBARRASSED… and WORRIED if he ever gains power.
Early in Trump’s campaign I overheard two guys my age in a parking lot —
“I’m going to vote for him, I think it’ll be funny —
and they both burst out laughing.
NOT funny guys–
Trump is Ticking-Time-Bomb SCARY.
Imagine a “commander-in-chief” who belittles, sexualizes and stereotypes women, calling them “fat pigs”, “dogs”, “slobs” and “disgusting animals.” A potential “role model” who describes Mexican immigrants as “rapists.”
How can anyone with common sense vote for an insensitive “leader” who says he doesn’t “have the time for political correctness?” Or a loose-cannon who spouts memories he can’t back up with facts? Or a bully who in front of the world of cameras makes fun of someone’s disability?
How can we stand for a presidential candidate who says a Black Lives Matter Protestor “deserved to be roughed up?” OMG! This potential “leader” thinks all people of a particular faith should register! Doesn’t this remind you of Adolf Hitler?
The leader of our country is not a joke, people. It’s time to get serious.
Deadly serious…