Archive for the ‘true love + not’ Category
Valentines, Galentines, & Palentines
Let’s be honest, the best ideas for Valentine’s Day almost always comes from girls and women. That’s why Galentines Day is such a popular idea. I mean, ever since middle school my friends and I have talked about the perfect Valentine’s Day surprise from whoever we were crushing on at that moment. These were very specific ideas that guys would never think to do. When I was in the Eighth Grade, my idea was for this boy, Russell, to send me baby pink roses, pink peppermint ice cream, and pink furry slippers. I mean, c’mon, Russell had no idea I even liked him… well maybe a little bit of an idea. He did ask me to go steady at a party when we were slow dancing, but I whispered that I thought I was too young. After that we were both wayyyy too embarrassed to hang out together, so that was the end of our big relationship. Years later when he became a rock star, he sent me tickets to his show. It was really nice of him and the seats were pretty good. True story.
Celebrate LOVE — its such a positive feeling we can all agree on – especially these days. Right?

TimeOut for Singles on Valentine’s Day
It’s not essential to be in a relationship or even have a romantic connection. Check out Time Out’s ideas for Singles in L.A. or Google “Ideas for singles in ( whatever city you’re in). Then be spontaneous!
Spread the good feelings of Valentine’s Day. Surprise a friend, a neighbor, your BFF, or a family member with something sweet. As long as it it’s not too cheesy, you’ll make someone smile. And if no one sends you an unexpected Valentine treat, you can send one to yourself. Just act surprised. I guarantee it’ll be exactly what you’re wishing for.
Or…invite your pals over and have everyone bring something they learned how to make on Instagram. There are sooooooo many great ideas for decorations, invitations, table settings, napkin folding — and they have amazing reels showing how to make yummy-looking heart-shaped foods. One of my favorites is from Insta’s “SaraTreed.”
I’m definitely making her cinnamon heart to take to the hospital staff when I volunteer next Friday. Oh yes, a certain ER Doctor will be there. When he takes a bit of my cinnamon heart, he just might ask me to go steady. Don’t worry… this time I’ll say, “yes!” Ahahaha!
It’s so hard to get back to —
- Love Connections
- Work Connections
- Friend Connections
It’s as if we’ve been on another planet for what feels like almost two years now that we’re rounding around the holiday bend.
Everything and Everywhere feels DISORGANIZED
I just got back from Austin where a friend had a film premiering at the Austin Film Festival. He was so hopeful about premiering there, but sadly the fest was short-staffed, overwhelmed and underprepared. Some of the panels were really interesting, but the festival “directors” gave a lot of mixed messages without the proper prep and support. It looked like crowds were light. It was my first time in a movie theater, so I’m sure others were a little scared to go to a film festival after being so careful. I talked to a producer who said it’s been like that for all of the fests recently. She said “SXSW” was a disaster. Guess you can blame it on Covid.
Luckily productions are picking up, so I’m hoping-wishing-praying that some acting gigs are in my future. But the tragic news about Halyna Hutchins puts chills through anyone who’s ever been or will be going on a film set. Sloppiness about protocols, an overwhelmed and underprepared cast and crew… a tragedy that could’ve been avoided… If only there were more people paying attention. I want to go back, but I want to be sure people are paying attention.
Who knows how long it’ll be before we recover from all of the effects of Covid — not just health-wise but people-wise.
Just got an email from the hospital where I volunteer asking if we want to come back, if we’ve been vaccinated, blah, blah, blah. We’ve been furloughed for-covid-ever, but it looks like we’ll be going back sometime in the near future. Yay! At least I can help people-wise at the hospital and do some good. I need to get back to some sense of normal.
Can’t wait to connect with friends in places other than on screens. Enough with the Instagram, Zoom reality!
I don’t know if I’ll ever feel a sense of normal again. Get me to the hospital STAT! I need a dose of Dr. A to find out, haha!

Meet Darby Carter —
Half-hour rom-dramedy at its best —
HBO Max’s LOVE LIFE by creator Sam Boyd is perfect for pandemic binging. The series follows DARBY CARTER (Anna Kendrick) through her twenties as she navigates her career and romances in NYC. Darby gets lots of input from her impulsive best friend Sara (Zoe Chao), Sara’s likeable boyfriend Jim (Peter Vack), and the brutally honest Mallory (Sasha Compère).

Sara Yang, Darby’s fearless bff —
Sometimes you’ve got to find yourself before you find the one…
In the first five minutes we know we’re on a journey to help Darby, the wounded pleaser, find the love of her life. Darby struggles through her fear of rejection to make romantic connections, short and long — with a couple of broken hearts, flings and hook-ups in her path. What gets in her way? She doesn’t know what a true connection feels like — thanks to her narcissistic mom, weak dad and confusing examples surrounding her. What keeps her going is her unshaken belief that she’ll find what she’s looking for someday…

Augie and Darby… what does it all mean?
Darby’s love life reminds me of mine – catastrophic yet eternally hopeful. LOVE LIFE is a hybrid anthology series that turns the rom-com upside down… definitely worth watching — with unexpected twists and turns and a really good ending. That’s all I’m going to say. Don’t want to spoil it.
(Wish I could star in my own anthology series. Would definitely like to know how it turns out, ahaha.)

Me too, Darby!
HAPPY NEW YEAR: Get in Sync with the Universe for 2018
2018 will be one of those years when you look back and go —
“Whoa! So much has changed for me!”
It’s a LUNAR year amplifying all of your intentions. January starts with a SUPER MOON and ends with an ECLIPSE, which comes every BLUE MOON. We’re looking at MAGICAL BEGINNINGS…
2018 (#2 or Master #11) is about YIN and all instincts FEMININE!
Decide on what ways you want things to be better because it’ll be a highly transformative year. Don’t miss any opportunities. Manifest more of your soul’s purpose and authentic self by being intentional.
Focus on your dreams. Express yourself…be yourself… Let your authentic self out. Be the real YOU!
ER Snafu – HELP!
Yesterday on my ER shift I almost go into cardiac arrest when I realize I’ve just fed a stack of crucial records for a critical Patient (currently in an ambulance speeding toward the ER) through the slot of a trash bin designated for shredding! In horror my eyes land on the big fat PADLOCK blocking my next move! Nooooo!
Flash-back several minutes —
In the Waiting Room Triage Nurse Anthony Chan, in his usual pissy mood, shoves two stacks of papers in my hands —
Personally hand this to the Charge Nurse and no one else, STAT! And stick these in the shredder bin. Within your skill-level, Volunteer?
I burst through the doors into Trauma, but the Charge Nurse isn’t there and no one knows where she is. I head toward the nearest Trash Bin to get rid of the other stack, but I run into Dr. A, who distracts me by making my heart beat faster (not my fault). Nonchalantly I slip the papers through the slot, flash him my killer smile and mosey on back to Triage…
I freeze when I spot Anthony Chan. F<#k! Read the rest of this entry »

I can’t turn it off!
Breaking up is even harder to do now that we have Social Media. Never before has it been soooo easy to torture yourself at the end of a relationship. No one needs to be Sherlock Holmes to sleuth around online 24/7.
CLICK CLICK CLICK you discover who and what your ex is doing. Ugh. (You probably get more information now that you have more free time, than you ever did when you were in the relationship.) It’s a nightmare of epic proportions! And a great way to stall the healing process with —
Ta Da! No closure! Never! Ever!
The “longing” is longer-lasting, the hurting, hurts more. You can’t heal, if you keep lifting the band-aid to peek.
And it’s soooo easy to peek at – Read the rest of this entry »
Fifty Shades of ROMANCE

basic instinct
Yes, I saw FIFTY SHADES OF GREY and yes, I read the books – all three of them. Now I’m reading the email alerts and headlines about the almost 70% female audience helping to break records and movie-success-myths.
I’m no movie mogul, but my advice to you if you are is: If you’re “scouring best-seller lists looking to find the next Fifty Shades of Grey,” consider the fact that the “almost 70% Female Audience” might be flocking to the film not because it’s about SEX but because it’s about ROMANCE. (Wouldn’t the Audience be a higher percentage of Males if the main focus was SEX?)
As a female (who likes sex, btw) in the target audience, it seems pretty obvious to me that at the core Fifty Shades is really about a shy, smart girl trying to get a handsome, unattainable guy so she can have her happy ending (the old-fashioned kind, ahaha.) It’s wish-fulfillment we all can relate to. I can! Read the rest of this entry »