Archive for the ‘acting & career’ Category
New Year’s Resolutions: Staying Optimistic
Thought I’d start the first week of the NEW YEAR in the NEW DECADE with a few “Optimistic Evie-isms.”
When I write optimistic thoughts I feel more optimistic in general, so this is for me as much as it is for you.
16 Positive Ways To Start the New Decade
- Kindness is contagious, so keep spreading it.
- Laugh, learn and live to the max.
- Think out-of-box-ish and let imagination be your guide. Read the rest of this entry »
I can’t believe Find The Funny Monday has rolled back around yet again. Pressure! I’m starting to realize that #findthefunny stories often relate back to my–
Awhile back, I was up for a cable series in a really great role, that I was exactly right for. Well — exactly right, with the exception of two small details. Mine were “too” small. What they wanted were two bigger and curvier details like Anne Hathaway has in “LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS.”
The initial audition went GREAT. The super supportive CD called my agent Josh right away, saying the producers wanted to see me —
Tell Evie to wear tight jeans, stiletto pumps, a low-cut black sweater and–
B O O B S ! Read the rest of this entry »
Carving a Pumpkin is a lot like ACTING
I’ve always been TOTALLY into
H a l l o w e e n | C o s t u m e s
Ever since I was “Bee” at three. But, I never realized until this year, just how much ACTING and HALLOWEEN have a lot in common.
I was enlightened by a pumpkin.
And it’s not just because they both involve costumes and getting sick to your stomach. Ahaha. Read the rest of this entry »
Actors: Living the Dream
So my Twitter bud and fellow Actor @MikeCapozzi forwarded me devastating news about the demise of my favorite website
You may remember that I did an entire post on how fabulous this Actor-friendly site “is” or now I should say “was”. It was like an inside source with casting news, inside info, great advice and resources for Actors yada yada. Apparently it was a little too inside and became a conflict of interests. Boo hoo!
So since, and @killthedoor have been ahem, “killed”, I’ve decided to share this little vid with everyone, to watch in absence of a memorial service (you can wear black when you watch it, if you want.) Read the rest of this entry »
Fall TV: First Impressions
THE EVENT – Well that it was! Only problem I have with it is that the story is so ambitious and complicated that I’m left a little confused by the bombastic final scene. The cast is so amazing I just wish I were a little more invested in the characters by the end of the pilot. The back and forth jolting nature of the storytelling made my blonde head spin a little. Read the rest of this entry »
LAUGHTER = Instant Gratification
I was reminded the other day when I was tweeting @MikeCapozzi that the reason I love doing COMEDY is because I know if it’s working or not. No need to wait for feedback from the Casting Director. It becomes obvious. Like immediately.
Because in Comedy Auditions, you either get the laugh or you don’t. Even if the CD and producers have heard the line a million times before, if you deliver it right, they can’t hold the laugh in. And, the good thing about knowing is — if it’s not working — you can sometimes make quick adjustments and pull it out in time. Read the rest of this entry »
Follow Your Instincts
Are you in a CREATIVE profession? Are there TOO MANY VOICES in your head? How do you know who’s right and who’s wrong?
Trouble is you don’t. Why? Because–
Creative Expression is SUBJECTIVE.
Some people “get you” and some people don’t.
Actors, Writers, Musicians, Directors and Stand-up Comics–
have highs and lows depending on how well their– Read the rest of this entry »