Cast of Crazies

Here’s the low down on the who’s who — (and who was!) And how I’m getting to know them better.

in real life (if being a actress in LA can be real)

ADAM DR. “A”->
A way-too-serious cipher stud muffin at the hospital.  He makes me feel crazy &  comfortable at the same time, don’t ask me how… so private I won’t even type his full name....
No longer here.  ALWAYS with me.
Not as insane as on Entourage, but it still takes a certain kind of person to be an agent, right?  I do whatever he says. Hope he’s right..
Mutual adoration society, he’s big on tough love, we’d both like to find the right guy. Knows everything doing and who’s doing what..

in my new hospital volunteer life (like it or not)

CHARLAYNE… Like Oprah on steroids, she overlords her volunteer program at the hospital..
TYRELL… X-Ray guy at the hospital, thinks he’s smoothsuper cool, always see an angle. Married to Dionne, 3 boys, hands full..
MIRA… A total do-gooder dorkreally smart, nice and majoring in good karma..
JACOB… wallflower paramedic at the hospital – nice shy guy crushing on Mira..
ANTHONY CHAN, RN… The hyper-tasker running the ER, super picky, uptight dedicated nurse..
Crazy Old Repeat Patient. Much more than I’d ever imagined.
MIGUEL… Poker-faced security at the hospital.  Tough on the outside, a sweetie on the inside.

more real life (expect some recasting in the boyfriend role for sure)

DIEGO Niles calls him “Don’t” but he’s just jealous of my sexy, sneaky, fun, jerk-off on/off bf..
RACHEL Like sisters since we met 8 years ago, even though she left acting & went back to Portland, she’s got a real life….

aka JA

Stands for Josh’s Assistant, my lifeline to the agency. And to the blogosphere, thanks for all this stuff JA!  Good idea to add pictures pixel-face, I’ll email you some to add when we can.
Sentenced to volunteer at Greater L.A. Medical (GLAM!) Hospital... I'm on-call in my worst nightmare -- ?!
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