A Typical Sunday Night in the ER


OMG! Welcome to my —

N I G H T M A R E !


Tonight in Triage —

  • A high maintenance celeb panic-attacking
  • A screamy-meemy breaking my eardrums
  • A flu-inflicted boy leaving a very gaseous trail
  • A foreigner with his infected toe oozing out of his socks
  • A moany mommy in labor with a freaked-out baby daddy
  • A hungry homeless man begging for a hot meal
  • An oldie-but-definitely-not-goodie barfing
  • A super cute paramedic rolling in a bloody GSW
  • A cocky gynecologist making me chaperone his pelvic exam (Euuu!)
  • A bitchy resident making it her job to torture me
  • Charlayne, my supervisor giving me the evil eye

I thought I’d gotten better about handling things, but gross bodily fluids don’t work for me.

Get me some wine and a midnight yoga class, stat!

CODE whatever!

Just get me outta there!



What do you think?

Sentenced to volunteer at Greater L.A. Medical (GLAM!) Hospital... I'm on-call in my worst nightmare -- ?!
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