Finding The Funny: A Sweet Christmas Story

treasure to treasure

treasure to treasure

One of my favorite stories my Dad tells me about my Mom has to do with my Grandmother, who was this very elegant super-generous lady.  My Mom and my Grandmother loved hunting for old beautiful collectibles. They especially loved anything with a lady on it, so beautiful finds from the Victorian, Art Nouveau or Art Deco periods really made them smile.

My Mom was apparently antiquing with my Grandmother in London the November before Mom married my Dad. And since it was the month before Christmas, my Grandmother was hunting for special gifts for my Mom. What she didn’t know though was… that my Mom had saved money from her summer job as a file clerk, so she could buy something really special for my Grandmother’s 40th birthday which was two days after Christmas. (I can’t believe my Mom had such a young mom — MAN, they had kids young in those days!)

Anyway, Mom and GM each had separate goals as they walked together toward a stall on Portobello Road that was filled with vintage jewelry, old photographs and lovely silver jars from the 1800’s and early 1900’s.

When it comes to Antiquing, Portobello Road is the best place ever!

One silver jar in particular caught my Grandmother’s eye. My Mom apparently loved it too and encouraged my Grandmother to buy it. My Grandmother asked the seller, Ian Harris lots of questions, like—

Is it completely original?  Does it have Hallmarks? What’s the best you can do on it?

Mr. Harris had all the right answers, but surprisingly, my Grandmother didn’t buy it.

Later that day when my Grandmother was busy at another stall, my Mom sneaked back and secretly bought it for my Grandmother. Mr. Harris was touched by the gesture, and promised that if my Grandmother stopped by again, he wouldn’t let on who bought it.

That night at the hotel, my Grandmother told my Mom that she’d gone back to buy it for my Mom, but it had already been sold. She was really disappointed. My Mom “acted” really disappointed too (guess that’s where I get it).

I love surprises!

I love surprises!

Then, a month later on Christmas Day, my Mom couldn’t wait to surprise my Grandmother. Since the antique silver jar was a little pricey for my Mom to give, she decided to give it to my Grandmother on Christmas and then wrap it up again for the big birthday two days later.  When my GM opened it, she couldn’t believe it! They each told their own stories about Mr. Harris and laughed and laughed. It was sort of like the “Gift of the Magi,” only no one had to cut her hair or sell his watch to Ian Harris on Portobello Road. Ahaha…

One response to “Finding The Funny: A Sweet Christmas Story”

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